Hackathon Sponsorship

Our hackathon programming is a unique opportunity for your organization to spark stem curiosity in your students. By combining professional tech expertise from one of our sponsoring orgs (IBM, Netscout, Amgen) with our proven model of student STEM education and mentorship, we can offer a state of the art hackathons to young people in need.
Hackathons are hands-on events where people with interests in STEM congregate and develop a novel and technical project.
- Publication of event on our website and all SSF Social Media
A summary article / PPT which will include:
Impact of the program
Qualitative and quantitative results of the program
Student and parent testimonials
- A professionally done LinkedIn / FB / Instagram posts
100+ students

What you can expect from your partnership with SSF:
- A full and detailed timeline of events
- All marketing and collateral material needed
- A program manager dedicated specifically to your event(s)
- Shooting Stars will coordinate and execute the event from start to finish
- Marketing and collateral to close out and publish the impact of your program both internally and externally